Re: Organized first draft of Use Case and Requirements Document

An impressive list ­ nicely done.

That said, I¹m not sure I agree with having the recognizer/speech-synthesis
be a browser setting. A browser setting is a user control, and users aren¹t
going to care about the recognizer/speech-sythesis they use, they¹re just
going to expect speech features to work. However, certain types of
developers are going to care about the recognizer/speech-synthesis they use,
and as such it makes sense for this to be an (optional) facet of the

Secondly, I¹d like to see some way for recognizer/speech-synthesis specific
configuration and output be made available to developers. In VoiceXML we
typically do this by using custom <property>, and by adding objects to the
lastresult ecmascript structure. The browsers job is to simply send
properties to the recognizer, and the recognizer is free to return an
ecmascript structure that exceeds content defined explicitly in the
standard. I see no reason similar capabilities couldn¹t be be exposed in
HTML via a way to set recognizer/speech-synthesis properties, and standard
ecmascript variable that houses results.

My first email to the group btw, glad to be aboard...

From: Michael Bodell <>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 10:55:23 +0000
To: "" <>
Subject: Organized first draft of Use Case and Requirements Document
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 11:01:03 +0000

I've now taken the original collated list of 70 use cases and requirements
and created a first draft of a document that combines like use cases and
requirements and organizes the remaining 15 use cases and 34 requirements
into different related sections.  I've also (generously) linked the
requirements back to the use cases that support them.  For contribution I
also took the style of the VBWG (everyone listed in the editors section, not
a separate editors and authors section), appologies in advance if I missed
someone, I took the people who were linked in the earlier collation above
(and I wasn't sure what the organization was for the two people who aren't
members of the XG).


As always, if there are some use cases or requirements that could be made
more clear or added, that would be great.


For a next step I've asked Dan to consider running a poll that will help us
prioritize the use cases and requirements so we can start by focusing the
discussion on the use cases and requirements that have the highest priority..

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 19:14:56 UTC