Re: UA <=> SS Protocol

Hi Bjorn,

On 07.12.10 21:11, Bjorn Bringert wrote:
> The
> things that I hope the XG will deliver are:
> 1. A draft spec of a web app API for using a speech recognizer
> provider by the browser, with implementations in several browsers.
> 2. A draft spec of a web app API for using a speech synthesizer
> provider by the browser, with implementations in several browsers.
> 3. Requirements and change requests to other working groups or
> incubator groups to make sure that APIs such as Device, Audio and
> XmlHttpRequest work for network speech services. This is completely
> independent of 1 and 2. To ensure that the requested features are
> sufficient, there should be several demo systems using those APIs for
> speech.

I may be misunderstanding you, but to my mind there is an important link 
missing between your items 1+2 and 3: how to make network speech 
services work via *the same API* as the browser's default speech service?

We have pointed out requirements which indicate that we want to allow this:

- FPR7. Web apps should be able to request speech service different from 

- FPR12. Speech services that can be specified by web apps must include 
network speech services.

Now let's assume for the moment we would go for a <tts> element like you 
suggested, which extends HTMLMediaElement. With your items 1-3, how as a 
web app author would I use that <tts> element and tell it to get its 
speech from a TTS engine on the network? In other words, in order for 
the web app to use a networked speech service rather than the built-in 
one, most of the markup / scripts should stay the same, and only the 
reference to the speech service should have to change.

I imagine the browser will have to facilitate this in some way, which 
would mean that we are *not* talking about a protocol just between the 
web app and the speech service... any thoughts?


Dr. Marc Schröder, Senior Researcher at DFKI GmbH
Coordinator EU FP7 Project SEMAINE
Project leader for DFKI in SSPNet
Project leader PAVOQUE
Associate Editor IEEE Trans. Affective Computing
Editor W3C EmotionML Working Draft
Portal Editor
Team Leader DFKI TTS Group

Phone: +49-681-85775-5303
Postal address: DFKI GmbH, Campus D3_2, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 
Saarbrücken, Germany
Official DFKI coordinates:
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Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Thursday, 9 December 2010 07:56:57 UTC