Re: FOAF, geonames, and more

Hi Alexandre

> The other idea would be to create a new property as locatedIn (in
> geonames or in geo84 ontology, or even new namespace) that will link
> any owl:Thing / rdf:Resource (and not only subclasses of SpatialThing)
> to a geo84:SpatialThing, and that then can be subclassed:
As the editor of geonames ontology, I am quite in favor of adding a 
generic "geonames:locatedIn" property with an open domain, and range 
Marc, any opposition?
> bornIn
> worksIn
> establishedIn
Yes, let more specific ontologies define those as subproperties of the 
generic "geonames:locatedIn"
> I'll be happy to get feedback about these ideas.
You've got at least one :))




*Bernard Vatant
*Knowledge Engineering
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Received on Friday, 26 January 2007 16:40:51 UTC