- From: Shawn Miller <smiller@freshlogicstudios.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 09:39:09 -0500
- To: "Steve Lombardi" <stevelom@microsoft.com>, "Gregor J. Rothfuss" <gregor@apache.org>, "Mike Liebhold" <mnl@well.com>, "GeoXG GeoXG" <public-xg-geo@w3.org>, <georss@lists.eogeo.org>
- Message-ID: <DB2C6F90E29A804B9D41F2B701C2723F02E502@zion.freshlogicstudios.com>
Steve- Very cool release. Your bike trails example is neat. Looking forward to the v5 SDK. Where can I find the proposed GeoRSS icon? We've love to include it in Atlas (http://atlas.freshlogicstudios.com/). Shawn ________________________________ From: georss-bounces@lists.eogeo.org on behalf of Steve Lombardi Sent: Tue 4/3/2007 9:09 PM To: Gregor J. Rothfuss; Mike Liebhold; GeoXG GeoXG; georss@lists.eogeo.org; Steve Lombardi Subject: [georss] Product Announcement: GeoRSS publishing - new in Live Maps Many thanks to those on this list that have assisted with this feature! We launched a new version of Live Maps today with GeoRSS publishing as a top feature. When viewing another users public Collection, there is a 'classic' RSS button (I saw the proposed GeoRSS Icon a little too late for this release! We'll update next time) to pluck a GeoRSS feed for the collection. Points, lines and Polys are supported. As an example, here is my collection of bike trails around Seattle: http://maps.live.com/?v=2&cid=546E7E30AC2C5011!1749 And here is its GeoRSS feed: http://maps.live.com/GeoCommunity.aspx?action=retrieverss&mkt=en-US&cid=546E7E30AC2C5011!1749 For more info, here is my blog post about the new features in today's update http://virtualearth.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!2BBC66E99FDCDB98!8495.entry our Map Control for developers still supports loading layers of GeoRSS of course. Later this month we will release our V5 Update to the map control with support for eventing on these layers and a bunch more stuff. Its actually out right now if anyone wants to have at it, but we are shipping the docs and SDK later this month Thanks again, this list was instrumental in getting this feature in good shape. Steve -----Original Message----- From: georss-bounces@lists.eogeo.org [mailto:georss-bounces@lists.eogeo.org] On Behalf Of Gregor J. Rothfuss Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 1:48 PM To: Mike Liebhold Cc: GeoXG GeoXG; georss@lists.eogeo.org Subject: Re: [georss] GeoRSS meeting review Mike Liebhold wrote: > I'm wondering what it will take to influence the full W3C membership to > put it's full weight behind GeoRSS interoperability so that Yahoo and > Microsoft and Google don't lead users off into separately geocoded > universes. one step would be to have these two actively participate here. they seem to lurk only. i don't have much hope [1] but i will ping someone i know on the flickr team. [1] http://lists.eogeo.org/pipermail/georss/2006-April/000461.html _______________________________________________ georss mailing list georss@lists.eogeo.org http://lists.eogeo.org/mailman/listinfo/georss _______________________________________________ georss mailing list georss@lists.eogeo.org http://lists.eogeo.org/mailman/listinfo/georss
Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 17:05:18 UTC