Re: lat/long as float

>All coordinates in this profile shall, as a default, be expressed as
Latitude Longitude (in that order) as decimal degrees white space separated.

Quite a lot of notations for latitude longitude (and altitude , crs)
information exist in the world.
There might be each advantage and a disadvantage respectively.
However, I think that it is desirable that they are few. For the
improvement of the interoperability.
I think that it can settle to the following two notations by simply

Methods of separately describing latitude and longitude. Methods of
description as one character string.

In a lot of usages, latitude and the longitude will be considered to be
inseparable one resource.
Casual use cases such as microformats (geo improvements), WikiProject
Geographical coordinates, and geoRSS might be the examples.
Though they are all different formats.
#Methods of divided description as a different attribute are omitted
because there are a lot of examples.

Well, I think that it is necessary to consider ISO6709/1983 as an
important candidate in such a situation for one character string format.

Received on Friday, 28 July 2006 12:23:05 UTC