Re: ?

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 08:15:10PM +0200, elf Pavlik wrote:

> > > Are there any plans to create a blog/feed concentrator to pool the
> > > output of federated social web related blogs? IMO, this would be a
> > > great resource for us all here as well as for future participants
> > > of this group and interested parties in general.

> Maybe we could use subdomain for it?
> Evan whois says that StatusNet controls this domain, could we use
> subdomain for planet?

Hi elf,

I have some time after our lunch today, so we can try to build/hack an
acceptable solution for that.

Since we everyone in our community is able to edit/view the fsw wiki, we
should create a special page with the list of feeds there as the source
for the planet. is a nice location for that and the LOD2
project can host this community service.

If we are successful today, we report on that and hope that someone can
add a CNAME for this name ....

best regards

Sebastian Tramp

Sebastian Tramp - Department of Computer Science; University of Leipzig
WebID:  Tel. (Fax): +49 341 97 323-66 (-29)

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 05:36:45 UTC