Reminder: Federated Social Web Call Today at 13:00UTC (Change of Passcode to CONF1)

Just a quick reminder, we're to start in less than 2 hours - and
importantly, the code has changed to CONF1 to get into the telecon, it's
no longer FSWXG. Sorry, minor error on our end!

15:00UTC (Midnight Tokyo, 8:00 AM San Fran, 11:00 AM Boston, 16:00
Paris, 17:00 Amsterdam)
+1.617.761.6200 code:CONF1

Here are the actions from the last meeting:

ACTION: ciberch to then revamp wiki and go over SWAT0
ACTION: Evan to put list of SWAT0 on wiki
ACTION: evan and hhalpin to migrate list and wiki over

Evan just pinged me and said he'll help sort out the action items after
the telecon is over with, which should clarify things.

The main thing then we be to discuss how to do use-cases and then how to
plan the agenda of the Federated Social Web Europe conference.


Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 13:28:27 UTC