[EMOXG] Target Users

Just to add a little balance to the discussions, we have been talking 
about what is state of the art for researchers and what systems are 
currently being researched but our audience will be much wider and 
hopefully include both academic and commercial users.
Our focus (of course I am biased here) should more on commercial users 
if we hope for wide acceptance of the standard I think.
My image of our user is a student in their bedroom building a web 
service to share friends emotion data and recommend other friends with 
similar personalities. They are building an open system and want to 
share the data, in an XML based format, with others who wish to use 
their API and data.

As a side note, I have to check, but I am pretty sure I have completed 
my open tasks some time back?

As a completely off topic note (apologies) but as my business grows I 
want to hire development staff, if they were from the 
emotion/personality R&D community that would be great. So if you know 
anyone who might be interested let me know, thanks!

Ian Wilson

Emotion AI
+44 (0) 704 040 3198

Company Registered in England #6546400

Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 08:51:26 UTC