Re: [EMOXG] Suggestion for series of phone meetings on EmotionML first spec

Hi Marc,

I can attend the 2nd and 3rd phone meeting and possibly also the 
first one this Thursday.

As for contribution, I'm not sure my knowledge on languagues such as 
XML is deep enough to contribute seriously to the specification 
part. I merely use XML occasionally. So I see my role more in that 
of the prospective user and would like to contribute as such, 
sceptically monitoring the activities and examining the results. 
Hope that will be usefull, too!


Marc Schroeder schrieb:
> Hi again,
> as you know, we have not had regular phone meetings in the past few 
> months. Instead, we discussed quite a lot by email and finalised, in 
> particular, the Requirements with Priorities document [1].
> Actually, the group seems to be at a turning point now: we know what to 
> specify, now we need to actually do it!
> So I would like to suggest changing the pace of the work a little bit, 
> by planning ahead a sequence of phone conferences every 2-4 weeks.
> As a regular meeting slot, is Thursdays 14:00 UTC OK with everyone? (It 
> corresponds roughly to the time slot we had before, but takes into 
> account daylight saving time in the US and in Europe.) That is 16:00 in 
> Berlin, 15:00 in London, 07:00 in California, and 22:00 in Beijing. The 
> meetings should not last longer than one hour.
> How about meeting on the following dates:
> * 19 June
> *  3 July
> * 31 July
> * 21 August
> The points to discuss at the first of these dates include at least the 
> following:
> * Can we agree on writing a draft spec in XML? If so,
>   - would EARL [2] be a suitable starting point?
>   - are there other suggestions for starting points?
> * Can we agree on principles that should guide the spec writing? Things 
> like, "simple cases should look simple" or "structure should be explicit 
> enough to avoid confusion" etc.? Any suggestions?
> * Can we identify a small group of very active people who are willing to 
> push forward with a very first informal version of the spec?
> * What is a reasonable time plan?
> * (any other urgent topics)?
> It time permits, we could also start discussing:
> * Do we want this endeavour to continue, possibly towards a formal W3C 
> standard?
> * What are the pro's and con's of aiming for a new working group (WG) 
> vs. becoming one of the topics discussed in an existing WG such as MMI?
> If you cannot participate in the first of these meetings but want to 
> make sure your voice is heard, please send your thoughts in an email to 
> this list.
> Best regards,
> Marc
> [1]
> [2]

Christian Peter
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Rostock
Human-Centered Interaction Technologies
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Received on Monday, 16 June 2008 12:02:24 UTC