Re: XML Examples etc

On Jan 21, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Ian Wilson wrote:

> I think it would be a good idea to also add a quick summary of what  
> you think about the format you have written.

Also, could anyone who provides a snippet of markup also provide a  
brief English gloss saying what the given snippet means in English?



p.s. sorry for the delays in my contribution.  I have been working  
all hours on a proposal.  It is due Feb 16 so hopefully I will be  
more prompt for next months meeting.  Anyway, despite this onerous  
responsibility which interferes with my EMOXG volunteer work I am  
hoping to post something more substantive to the list soon!

> I dont think it matters too much that Myriams data is a little  
> different from mine, its close enough for the purpose.
> Best,
> Ian
> btw did we choose a date for the next meeting  yet?

Yes.  I saw an email from Marc with subject "Subject: Re: [EMOXG] date
for next phone meeting".  The time of the meeting is Thursday 31
January, 07:00 UTC


Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 04:16:29 UTC