[EMOXG] Summary of phone meeting with MMI chair, Deborah Dahl


this is a short summary of the phone meeting we have just had with 
Deborah Dahl, chair of the MultiModal Interaction group at W3C, Paolo 
Baggia, and myself. The purpose of the meeting was to get a feeling of 
potential connection points between the Emotion Incubator group and the 
MMI group.

For me, the "take home message" of the meeting was: There is interest in 
our work, but we must make sure that what we deliver is simple enough to 
be usable in an industrial context. The main goal of the second year as 
Incubator should be to work towards that simplicity.


Notes from the phone meeting on MMI and Emotion

22 May 2007
Present: Deborah Dahl, Paolo Baggia, Marc Schröder

Marc briefly presented the work in the EMOXG up to now, and mentioned 
that the group aims to go for a second year as an Incubator group, to 
show concretely what an Emotion markup can look like, e.g. as a plugin 
language for EMMA, SSML etc.

Debbie considers the topic of the group's work very interesting and 
relevant for the MMI group; the fact that EMMA currently focusses on 
input has practical reasons, not principled ones. Also, she mentioned 
several potential applications of interest in industry.

Paolo pointed out that the work in EMOXG is currently very heavy on 
academia, and will be difficult to grasp quickly by people from 
industry. He suggested we compare our current requirements document with 
other requirements documents at W3C, which are usually much simpler, and 
list requirements by priorities.

Marc agreed that some guidance from experienced people will be very 
welcome during the second year of the incubator group, to make sure the 
group's work develops in a direction that can be used by people from 
industry. For that purpose, the revised group Charter should mention 
that comments will repeatedly be sought from W3C groups, such as the MMI 
group, the Voice Browser group, and maybe others.

The MMI group will have a face-to-face meeting 18-22 June in Italy; 
Paolo will give a presentation there to make people in the MMI group 
aware of the Emotion Incubator group. Paolo and Marc will prepare that 
presentation jointly.

Debbie pointed out that work on SMIL is currently being continued by an 
initiative in W3C called SYMM (for synchronised multimodality).

One important use of the Final Report of the Emotion Incubator group 
will be that it can be given to other W3C groups for comment.

There will be a Technical Plenary meeting of the W3C in Boston in 
November; it may make sense to hold a face-to-face meeting of EMOXG2 
there, or at least for Marc to be present there.

Dr. Marc Schröder, Senior Researcher
DFKI GmbH, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Here. Now. Real, first-person experience. Am I there to witness it?
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
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Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 14:12:55 UTC