[EMOXG] UseCaseRequirements

Dear all

in the last phone-meeting I suggested to 'join' the use-cases
collected by Jean-Claude, Christian and Ian into one document, and
promised to compile such a summary on the Wiki until X-mas.

I have to apologize that you will have to spend your Christmas-eve
with the following draft-version:


I hope you still find it useful... I will be away for holiday +
HUMAINE-Workshop until the 11th of January, so you will have quite some time
to think about ways for improving the current document ;-)
Right now it contains *all* of UC1, *most* of UC2 and *some* of UC3.

Happy X-mas 

Hannes Pirker  -- Austrian Research Inst. for Artificial Intelligence     --
hannes(DOT)pirker~AT~ofai.at +43/1/532 4621-3  www.ofai.at/~hannes.pirker --

Received on Saturday, 23 December 2006 04:14:50 UTC