[EMOXG] Introductions

Here, I introduce myself.


Dr. Jianhua Tao received the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tsinghua
University in 2001. From 2003, he joined Chinese Academy of Sciences to be
an associate professor, where he founded the Intelligent Human Machine
Interaction group in NLPR. He developed quite several earliest versions of
Speech Synthesis systems and talkinghead systems, multimodal affective
interaction system in China, and published more than 60 papers related to
speech, emotion processing, facial processing/talkinghead. He organized the
first international conference on affective computing and intelligent
interaction. He has been the main researcher and contributor of several
national scientific projects supported by National Natural Science
Foundation, National High-Tech Program and International Cooperation
Projects. He was one of the gainers of "Excellent Young Researcher" for his
contribution to speech research from the University, and also was the winner
of IMAGINATION2001 which was organized by Eurospeech2001 as a special
competition program. Currently, He is one of the editorial board members of
"Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing". From 2002, He
was elected as secretary of ISCA Special Interesting Group of Chinese Spoken
Language Processing. He is also the Council member of Chinese Speech
Information Processing Society, Council member of the Acoustical Society of

More recent activities related to emotion or affect:

The guest editor of IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
special issue of expressive speech synthesis. The guest editor of
International Journal on Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language
Processing, special issue of affect speech processing. The co-orgnizer of
special session of "Prosody of affect speech" in Speech Prosody 2006. The
co-orgnizer of special session of "Affect and Speech" in ICSLP2004.

I'm also involved in W3C Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Group. 

Best regards,
Jianhua Tao PH.D
Head of Intelligent Interaction Group

National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) 
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
P.O.BOX 2728, Beijing, 100080 P.R.China
EMAIL: jhtao@nlpr.ia.ac.cn

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2006 19:00:11 UTC