5th Standards Development Organizations (SDO) Emergency Services Workshop

Dear all - this Workshop sounds very interesting.... If someone from  
the EIIF can attend, then please let me know....

This is a public workshop and hence everyone may join. Based on based  
workshops, we expect participants from standardization organizations,  
regulators, researchers, VoIP providers, network operators, and  
stakeholders from the PSAP operator community. On the first workshop  
day we will offer a tutorial to allow newcomers to get up-to-date with  
the past standardization efforts. The policy panel aims to target  
people with an interest in policy and regulatory aspects. On the  
second day updates from various standardization organizations are  
provided. This will allow participants to learn about the most recent  
activities and to hear about challenges and the upcoming work that is  
being planned. With the end of the second day we are planning to  
finish the citizen-to-authority emergency services theme in order to  
start the third workshop day with authority-to-citizen and authority- 
to-authority emergency services.


Cheers...  Renato Iannella

Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 00:33:49 UTC