- From: <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 19:36:44 -0700
- To: public-xg-eiif <public-xg-eiif@w3.org>
Craig, thanks for reply I find the comments below educational (learning something) so I am forwarding them to the list to see if someone has something to add yes, CAPS are ugly, only here used to distinguish S/O from p cheers, PDM and no, I dont have a cat ! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: C H <craighubleyca@yahoo.com> Date: Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 9:59 AM Subject: Re: triples/ toward RDFizing the schema To: paola.dimaio@gmail.com Feel free to forward this if a discussion ensues. No need to bug the list with it otherwise. > I am startedt to think of the schema being worked out by > Mandana as triples Wise. Astonishingly good tools exist for manipulating RDF triples. > can someone correct the assertion? > > SUBJECT predicate OBJECT assumption: > > (whereby SUBJECT and OBJECT correspond to the entities in > the schema, and the predicates to the relationships) > would this be right? Yes. Another word for predicate is "relation" as in entity-relationship diagram. Generally the word "relation" is reserved for the very strict style of table used in relational DBs and the word "relationship" for ERDs which are much much looser. Predicates are somewhere in between in the scale of strictness - a wide range in between from pure logical predicate to vague assertions piled up in something like semantic mediawiki (a tag scheme that embeds RDF data into mediawiki pages, extraordinarily useful) > question (do we have to model all the triples for the schema to work?) No, but any kind of automated processing will stop dead if you don't reduce all the relations to three-folded SPO (subject/predicate/object) before you ask the robot lawyers to take over. They may do very strange things like sue your cat if you have failed to reduce all the constraints to something they understand. Try not to give them their own expense account, either - robot lawyers can run up quite a bar bill at the gas bar. By robot lawyers I mean RDF reasoners and so on, of course. What else? > AFFECTEDPERSON needs RESOURCE Suggests others like "affected_person needs refuge_instructions" - this ALL-CAPS thing is bad news, it prevents us from writing readable sentences. When an [[affected_person needs refuge instructions]] it would be best to just be able to write it like that because then humans and machines can both read it with no translation (assuming _ equates to space when rendered). > ORGANISATION has CONTACTPERSON > > ORGANISATiON has CAPACITY is RESOURCE (N TUPLE) > > RESOURCE has TIME/LOCATION/OTHER ATTRIBUTE While you're using them right here, be careful with preposition predicates. An "is" and "has" must be used very specifically, usually by "is" we mean "is-a-kind-of" and by "has" we mean "has-characteristic" or "has-component" or "has-resource" (different things, a characteristic is an inseparable attribute, a component is required for it to work properly and a resource is something it can share or give away without failing). Consider also the time relationships required to deal with a temporal database. Korzybski said "is" and the verb "to be" were questionable at best and could mean too many things, crossing the actual operational time bindings we use in practice. In real reality, we are *remembering* or *explaining* the past which is different from *sensing* or *comparing* the present state to other things present, both of which are different from *envisioning* or *predicting* the future. The use of "is" and "are" in that sentence is the most basic and if you don't respect that distinction you get into trouble - for instance, confusing historical data with some future projection in order to get some entirely bogus present "trend line". (where economics goes wrong...) > does this make sense to anyone on this list, or am I > enterering another planet? etc etc Makes perfect sense to me. But I may have to ask a robot lawyer. I hope you don't have a cat. > Paola Di Maio > School of IT > www.mfu.ac.th > ********************************************* -- Paola Di Maio School of IT www.mfu.ac.th *********************************************
Received on Sunday, 5 October 2008 02:37:22 UTC