Re: New Groupings

Renato -

Apologies for not publishing the following to the wiki. But, here are GML, WMS, and WFS flushed out. Also, I believe that SensorML, Sensor Observation Service, and Sensor Planning Service are all appropriate standards for use in the EM domain. NASA is already using these OGC standards for a UAV Wildfire application. There is also a really good article  describing the NICTA Open Sensor Web Architecture (NOSA) and the use of the OGC SWE standards. The paper was authored by NICTA and GRIDS staff :-)



Geography Markup Language (GML) 
The Geography Markup Language (GML) is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. Note that the concept of feature in GML is a very general one and includes not only conventional "vector" or discrete objects, but also coverages (see also GMLJP2) and in limited cases for sensor data. GML is content model neutral and communications protocol agnostic.
  a.. Responsible - The Open Geospatial Consortium and ISO TC 211
  b.. Scope - XML grammar to express geographical features
  c.. Current Version - GML version 3.2.1 (OGC and ISO work identical as the OGC submitted GML to ISO)
  d.. Derivatives -  Most information communities develop GML application schemas 
  e.. Licence - Royalty free and non-discriminatory.
  f.. Cost - None
  g.. References - and
Web Feature Service (WFS) 
The Web Feature Service Interface Standard (WFS) provides an interface allowing requests for geographical features across the web using platform-independent calls. One can think of geographical features as the "source code" behind a map, whereas the WMS interface or online mapping portals like Google Maps return only an image, which end-users cannot edit or spatially analyze. The XML-based GML furnishes the default payload-encoding for transporting the geographic features, but other formats like shapefiles can also serve for transport. In early 2006, the OGC members approved the OpenGIS GML Simple Features Profile [1]. This profile is designed to both increase interoperability between WFS servers and to improve the ease of implementation of the WFS standard.
  a.. Responsible - The Open Geospatial Consortium and ISO TC 211 (see below)
  b.. Scope - http based web service interface for specifying query (filter) contraints and responding with a feature payload.
  c.. Current Version - WFS version 1.1 (OGC and ISO Joint Edit committee are currently working on WFS Version 1.2)
  d.. Derivatives -  None.
  e.. Licence - Royalty free and non-discriminatory.
  f.. Cost - None
  g.. References - and
Web Mapping Service (WMS) 
The Web Map Service (WMS) produces maps of spatially referenced data dynamically from geographic information. This international standard defines a "map" to be a portrayal of geographic information as a digital image file suitable for display on a computer screen. A map is not the data itself. WMS-produced maps are generally rendered in a pictorial format such as PNG, GIF or JPEG, or occasionally as vector-based graphical elements in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or Web Computer Graphics Metafile (WebCGM) formats. This is in contrast to a Web Feature Service (WFS), which returns actual vector data, and a Web Coverage Service (WCS), which returns actual raster data.
  a.. Responsible - The Open Geospatial Consortium and ISO TC 211
  b.. Scope - http based web service interface for specifying simple spatial contraints and responding with a georegistered image.
  c.. Current Version - WMS version 1.3 (OGC and ISO work identical as the OGC submitted WMS to ISO TC 211)
  d.. Derivatives -  None.
  e.. Licence - Royalty free and non-discriminatory.
  f.. Cost - None
  g.. References - and
Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
A Sensor Observation Service (SOS) provides an API for managing deployed sensors and retrieving sensor data and specifically "observation" data. Whether from in-situ sensors (e.g., water monitoring) or dynamic sensors (e.g., satellite imaging), measurements made from sensor systems contribute most of the geospatial data by volume used in geospatial systems today. 
  a.. Responsible - The Open Geospatial Consortium 
  b.. Scope - http based web service interface for managing deployed sensors and retrieving sensor data and specifically "observation" data.
  c.. Current Version - SOS version 1.0 
  d.. Derivatives -  None.
  e.. Licence - Royalty free and non-discriminatory.
  f.. Cost - None
  g.. References - and
SensorML is a standard markup language (using XML schema) for providing descriptions of sensor systems. By design it supports a wide range of sensors, including both dynamic and stationary platforms and both in-situ and remote sensors.  SensorML provides standard models and an XML encoding for describing any process, including the process of measurement by sensors and instructions for deriving higher-level information from observations. Processes described in SensorML are discoverable and executable. All processes define their inputs, outputs, parameters, and method, as well as provide relevant metadata. SensorML models detectors and sensors as processes that convert real phenomena to data.
  a.. Responsible - The Open Geospatial Consortium 
  b.. Scope - Standard markup language (using XML schema) for providing descriptions of sensor systems
  c.. Current Version - SensorML version 1.0 
  d.. Derivatives -  Like GML, information communities define application profiles and application schemas for describing one or more sensors used in their community. Go to for several examples.
  e.. Licence - Royalty free and non-discriminatory.
  f.. Cost - None
  g.. References - and
Sensor Planning Service (SPS)
The Sensor Planning Service (SPS) defines an interface to task any form of sensor or model. Using SPS, sensors can be reprogrammed or calibrated, sensor missions can be started or changed, simulation models executed and controlled. The feasibility of a tasking request can be checked and alternatives may be provided. SPS implementations cover a wide range of application scenarios. SPS is currently used to control assets such as simple web cams as well as satellite missions.
  a.. Responsible - The Open Geospatial Consortium 
  b.. Scope - http based web service interface to task any form of sensor or model
  c.. Current Version - SPS version 1.0 
  d.. Derivatives -  None.
  e.. Licence - Royalty free and non-discriminatory.
  f.. Cost - None
  g.. References - 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Renato Iannella" <>
To: "public-xg-eiif" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:55 AM
Subject: New Groupings

> Hi all,
> I've added some new top-level groupings on our Wiki [1] to reflect  
> some of the contributions made to the lists so far. These are:
>     * EMInfoStdsReview - Information standards for system-2-system EM  
> interoperability
>     * EMVocabStdsReview - Vocabularies, taxonomies, ontologies (etc)  
> used to describe EM activities
>     * EMFrameStdsReview - Frameworks and Architectures used to enable  
> EM implementations
>     * EMGovStdsReview - Governance, regulations, legislation,  
> requirements (etc) used to manage EM processes
>     * EMOrgStdsReview - Organisations, Groups, Associations, and  
> Educational resources involved in EM
> Comments welcome on these groups, and additional contributions etc.
> Cheers...  Renato Iannella
> [1] <>

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 23:24:00 UTC