RE: Possible Face-2-Face Meeting

Hi all - a reminder that the survey will end this Thursday....

Dear all, we are discussing the possibility for a face-2-face meeting  
of our XG at the upcoming ISCRAM Conference (5-7 May in Washington DC,  
USA) [1] as a number of the group members will be attending.

We have a choice of meeting before (Sunday 4th May) or after (Thursday  
8th May) the Conference.

If you think you may wish to attend the f2f meeting, can you please  
indicate your preference here:


by next week (13 March).

We will use the results to gauge interest in the f2f meeting as well  
as the preferred day.

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

[1] <>

Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2008 06:54:40 UTC