- From: Don Cameron <donc@internode.on.net>
- Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 18:01:38 +1100
- To: <public-xg-eiif@w3.org>
Dear all, Please find below an ammended list of international agreements, standards, legislation, organisations, and a short-list of educational resources with relevance to the formation of an emergency management systems information interoperability framework. PS - I have not udpated the Wiki with this content as the 'edit' interface seems to require the addition of a considerable number of tags and other formatting elements. Is there a way to add content as plain text? (where a human editor can fill in a form or submit content by email etc.?) Kind regards, Don Cameron ** International Emergency Management Agreements International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Disaster Response Laws, Rules, and Principles (IDRL) Guidelines: http://www.ifrc.org/what/disasters/IDRL/advocacy/guidelines.asp Overview: http://www.oas.org/dsd/Nat-Dis-Proj/Documents/Enews6Final.pdf Global Emergency Management Information Network of the G7 countries (GEMINI) http://epix.hazard.net/G7.html The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction http://www.preventionweb.net/english/hyogo/isdr/ Official ISDR Terminology *** http://www.preventionweb.net/english/professional/terminology/ Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters (HFA) http://www.unisdr.org/eng/hfa/hfa.htm The Office of Defence Nuclear Proliferation International Emergency Management and Cooperation (IEMC Program) Emergency Policy and Preparedness Infrastructure Assistance http://www.nnsa.doe.gov/na-20/inter_emer.shtml International Task Force Entry Conditions Requirements for foreign search and rescue taskforces entering Australia (provided as an example - many countries have similar entry requirements for providers of foreign aid) http://www.ema.gov.au/agd/EMA/emaInternet.nsf/Page/RWP3D0C8BB8A538F85FCA2570 1300822949 AFAP - Asia Pacific Disaster Alerts http://www.afap.org/apcedi/ Interpol http://www.interpol.int/ The Disasters Emergency Committee http://www.dec.org.uk/ Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre http://www.adpc.net/v2007/#ADPCTOP ** National Emergency Management Agencies Emergency Management Australia http://www.ema.gov.au/ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA - USA) http://www.fema.gov/ Department of Homeland Security (USA http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence http://www.mcdem.govt.nz/memwebsite.nsf The Civil Contingencies Secretariat (United Kingdom) http://www.ukresilience.info/ Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness http://www.ccep.ca/ The Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (Japan) http://www.adrc.or.jp/ African Centre for Disaster Studies (South Africa) http://acds.co.za/ Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe (Ukraine) http://www.mns.gov.ua/index.ua.php?m=0 Crisis and Emergency Management Centre (Belgium) http://www.crisis.be/ ** International Emergency Management Standards (available at http://www.saiglobal.com/online/ ) IEEE 1512:2006 Common Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centres ISO/IEC 19763-1:2007 Information technology - Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) TR 102 444 V1.1.1 (2006) : Emergency Communications (EMTEL); Analysis of the Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) for Emergency Messaging applications; Emergency Messaging; SMS and CBS TS 102 181 V1.1.1 (2005) Emergency Communications (EMTEL); Requirements for communication between authorities/organizations during emergencies INCITS/ISO/IEC 11179-2-1999 (R2005) Information Technology - Specification and Standardization of Data Elements - Part 2: Classification for Data Elements (formerly ANSI/ISO/IEC 11179-2:1999) SR 002 180 V1.1.1 (2003) Emergency communications Requirements for communication of citizens with authorities/organizations in case of distress (emergency call handling) ANSI INCITS 415-2006 Homeland Security Mapping Standard – Point Symbology for Emergency Management SR 002 299 V1.1.1 (2004) Emergency Communications; Collection of European Regulatory principles TS 102 424 V1.1.1 (2005) Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Requirements of the NGN network to support Emergency Communication from Citizen to Authority ** Emergency Management Education and Government Cooperative Agreements Emergency Management Australia and Charles Sturt University Collaborative Agreement http://news.csu.edu.au/director/latestnews/international.cfm?itemID=A9BA7F6B FAB618A7F703685BC98FCC42&printtemplate=release ** Emergency Management Associations (non-Government) The Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Association http://www.disasters.org/ The World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine http://wadem.medicine.wisc.edu/ International Association of Fire and Rescue Services http://www.ctif.org/www.ctif.org/ International Association of Emergency Managers http://www.iaem.com/ The International Disaster Recovery Association http://www.idra.com/ International Rescue and Emergency Care Association http://www.ireca.org/ International Association of Fire Chiefs http://www.iafc.org/ International Association of Arson Investigators http://www.firearson.com/insideiaai/featuredtopics/index.asp International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists http://www.iadrs.org/ National Association of Disaster Response Teams http://mediccom.org/public/nadmat/default.htm ** Emergency Management Tertiary Studies and Qualifications Master of Public Administration in Emergency and Disaster Management Metropolitan College of New York (USA) http://www.metropolitan.edu/publicaffairs/mpa_emergency.php Bachelor of Social Science (Emergency Management) Charles Sturt University (Australia) http://www.csu.edu.au/courses/undergraduate/emergency_management/ Master of Science in Emergency and Public Safety Services Drexel University (USA) http://www.drexel.edu/cnhp/emedical_public_safety/about.asp Master of Science in Disaster Medicine and Management Philadelphia University (USA) http://www.philau.edu/disastermed/ Graduate of Emergency Management Administration Oklahoma State University (USA) http://grad.okstate.edu/programs/fire/femp.htm ** Further Educational Resources Emergency Management Australia Institute http://www.ema.gov.au/agd/EMA/emaInternet.nsf/Page/EducationTraining Emergency Management Australia Library http://www.ema.gov.au/agd/ema/emainternet.nsf/Page/EMA_Library Disasters ~ Prevention and Mitigation American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/disasters/articles.html ** National Emergency Management Legislation: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Disaster Response Laws, Rules, and Principles (IDRL) Guidelines: http://www.ifrc.org/what/disasters/IDRL/advocacy/guidelines.asp Overview: http://www.oas.org/dsd/Nat-Dis-Proj/Documents/Enews6Final.pdf Government of Canada Emergency Management Act 2005 http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90e09_ev002 .htm The Legislative Council of Nova Scotia Emergency Management Act http://www.gov.ns.ca/legislature/legc/statutes/emergmnt.htm Parliament of the United Kingdom Civil Contingencies Act 2004 http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2004/ukpga_20040036_en_1 Government of the United States of America (Note: US Emergency Law is generally held to be disjointed and of dubious effectiveness. In some states a local Mayor is empowered to declare a State of Emergency, whereas FEMA and other accredited Emergency Agencies cannot declare an emergency. Understanding US Emergency Law involves perusing a great many State and County laws and by-laws. Overriding authorities are generally held to be with the US President under Section 401 of the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. § 5170 and passively by the US Military under The Posse Comitatus Act 18 U.S.C. § 1835.). This has changed somewhat in recent years with the formation of the US Office of Homeland Security and incorporation of FEMA by the OHS, however I am unable to find any appropriate EM legislative references from this office. The Stafford Act: http://www.disastersrus.org/FEMA/Stafact.htm The Democratic Parties of Germany The German Emergency Act http://www.bundesregierung.de/en/Federal-Government/Function-and-constitutio nal-ba-,10206/Basic-Law.htm New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management The Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act 2002 http://civildefence.govt.nz/memwebsite.nsf/wpg_URL/For-the-CDEM-Sector-CDEM- Act-2002-Index?OpenDocument Australian State of Victorian Dept of Justice Emergency Management Act 1986 http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubLawToday.nsf/95c4 3dd4eac71a68ca256dde00056e7b/e4eea74959156076ca25732400226f92!OpenDocument Australian State of South Australian Consolidated Acts Emergency Management Act 2004 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/sa/consol_act/ema2004190/ Australian State of NSW Consolidated Acts State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/searma1989331/ Australian Capital Territory Emergency Management Act 1999 http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/1999-76/default.asp Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia Emergency Management Act 2005 http://www.fesa.wa.gov.au/internet/default.aspx?MenuID=362 State Emergency Service of Tasmania Emergency Management Act 2006 http://www.ses.tas.gov.au/role_of_ses/legislation/
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