- From: Renato Iannella <renato@nicta.com.au>
- Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:38:34 +1000
- To: public-xg-eiif <public-xg-eiif@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <5B3D887D-9E9A-4590-81A7-74160689BFD2@nicta.com.au>
Dear colleagues, CAIRNS (Cooperative Alert Information and Resource Notification System), one of the outcomes of work done within the SAFE project [1] at NICTA, has been released today as Open Source under the BSD licence. CAIRNS is a demonstrator of technologies that can be used to construct an interoperable CIMS (Crisis Information Management System) architecture. Specifically, CAIRNS implements the following XML-based emergency messaging standards - EDXL - Distribution Element - EDXL - Resource Messaging - Common Alert Protocol (CAP) CAIRNS documentation [2] and source [3] are available now. Cheers... Dr Renato Iannella Principal Scientist, National ICT Australia (NICTA) Level 5, Axon Building #47, Staff House Rd, St Lucia, QLD, 4072, AUSTRALIA [t] +61 7 3300 8520 [f] +61 7 3300 4820 [m] +61 4 1313 2206 [e] renato@nicta.com.au [w] http://nicta.com.au [im] skype:riannella aim:renatoi2003 [1] <http://nicta.com.au/safe> [2] <http://cairns.sourceforge.net/> [3] <http://sourceforge.net/projects/cairns/>
Received on Monday, 18 August 2008 04:41:39 UTC