Re: Requirement for 3W interop standard (new proposed schema attached)

Hi all,

I'm very keen to microformats adopted within Sahana and other  
applications as well. It is a small, simple step that can be taken to  
make data machine readable using existing schemas. hCard (a web form  
of vCard) is a good example, and I'd like to see an hCard embedded on  
every page in Sahana for example that displays a persons contact  
details. Likewise, any page that displays, say, location information  
for a welfare centre, as well as embedded the contact details for the  
centre as an hCard, should also include the geo tags for its location.

I'd also support Carl on adoption of the Customer Information Quality  
standard rather than reinventing the wheel. In New Zealand we are  
seeing CIQ increasingly being promoted as a means of consistently  
recording information about governments transactions with its  
citizens. This of course makes it a natural bedfellow for emergency  

I'm always keen to support the adoption of business-as-usual standards  
in preference to those specifically designed for specifically for  
emergencies. The reason? Well it is the network effort - business-as- 
usual standards will be far more widely deployed than emergency- 
specific standards. This means that if we adopt these in preference,  
we will be interoperable with a far wider range of systems.

Cheers Gav

On 2008-08-13, at 1031, Carl Reed wrote:

> Chamindra
> Do you use the vCard (IETF RFCs 2425 and 2426) definitions in any of  
> your work? Just a question - but in terms of broader applicability  
> of any emergency interop standards, I would strongly encourage this  
> group to leverage the existing standards for address, name,  
> organization, etc from the IETF and OASIS. There is also  
> considerable work being done in this area by NENA for the Next  
> Generation 9-1-1 activity in the US. They are looking to mandate  
> vCard and CIQ for certain elements of the new information  
> architecture for NG 9-1-1.
> Regards
> Carl Reed
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Chamindra de Silva
> To: Nigel Snoad
> Cc: ; Gavin Treadgold ; public-xg-eiif
> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 10:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Requirement for 3W interop standard (new proposed  
> schema attached)
> In Sahana we have these two as separate modules.
> 1) "Who is doing What Where" is the traditional 3W application  
> called the Organization Registry.
> 2) "Who _needs_ What Where" is a bulletin board of people requesting  
> aid on behalf of a victim group in the field called the (Aid)  
> Request Management System. It also track pledges of aid.
> The prior operates at a high level of services provided (e.g.  
> medical, sanitation, food, water) by a responder group across the  
> affected area, whilst the later works with units of aid needed  
> specifically by a victim group (e.g. 100 Tents)
> I would prefer we stick to the traditional sense of the 3W  (i.e.  
> option 1)  to keep things simple for now and to help us can quickly  
> get through the full cycle up to an interop standard recommendation.  
> We can always improve that standard and build it up incrementally  
> from there, though I completely understand that everything is very  
> closely related.
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 9:08 PM, Nigel Snoad  
> <> wrote:
> Paola,
> In the F2F in Washington DC we scoped the 3W/4W as described by  
> Gavin. I completely agree that there must be a "needs" layer that is  
> centered around the affected population (I detest the phrasing  
> "victim" and can't too strongly suggest we never use it except for  
> law enforcement/human rights contexts) as well as the current  
> "response" layer. Thankfully, finally, the humanitarian clusters are  
> starting to talk about this in their data models, and definitely  
> affected populations must included in the incubator's data model  
> from the start.
> So – we have a semantic confusion about how we should scope "who".  
> One is organizational, and one is affected populations. In the 3W  
> context for historical reasons it's the organization/group providing  
> assistance/services (of course this usually includes the affected  
> population themselves, something usually ignored in the UN context).  
> Usefully - from a data perspective responding organizations "need"  
> assistance as well – goods, staff and services – to continue their  
> work, and they, like affected populations, provide capabilities. I  
> like the thought of a symmetric integrated model along these lines.
> So - I's no news to all of us that the scope of a solution/ 
> application affects which components of a data model are used. The  
> 3W/4W focuses on "response".
> My suggestion is that when discussing the 3W/4W use case we confine  
> the "who" to organization providing services, but in the data models  
> that come out  we ensure that the who are subclassed/flagged into  
> both a "needs" component including affected groups and organizations  
> requiring/recieving support/supplies/services, and a "response"  
> component that includes capabilities and activities/outcomes/ 
> assistance/services provided.
> Nigel
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:38 AM
> To: Gavin Treadgold
> Cc: public-xg-eiif
> Subject: Re: Requirement for 3W interop standard (new proposed  
> schema attached)
> Gavin
> My understanding is the 3W is 'just' a directory application, hence  
> the schema is designed around providing directory services.
> May I ask what is that assumption based on?
> Did we as a group discuss/agree on such a constraint?
>  Is there any more useful purpose for which we need a 3W metaset?
> Is the schema for a service directory part of our mission ?
> assuming 'directory' is accetaptable description for everybody, it  
> should be designed
> to be flexible to accommodate for all stakeholder  requirements, so  
> we definetely gotta talk
> -- 
> Paola Di Maio
> School of IT
> *********************************************

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 22:45:10 UTC