Setting a sample rate in the web audio API

Hey, you probably already know my JS GameBoy Color emulator project
The thing is, I'm wondering why the web audio API refuses to allow me to set
my own sample rate (I want 70khz). Right now I have to set the sample rate
to that already found in the API itself:
audioSource = audioContextHandle.createBufferSource(); //We need to create a
false input to get the chain started.
audioSource.loop = false; //Keep this alive forever (Event handler will know
when to ouput.)
settings[14] = audioContextHandle.sampleRate;
audioSource.buffer = audioContextHandle.createBuffer(1, 1,
settings[14]); //Create
a zero'd input buffer for the input to be valid.
audioNode = audioContextHandle.createJavaScriptNode(settings[18], 1,
2); //Create
2 outputs and ignore the input buffer (Just copy buffer 1 over if mono)
audioNode.onaudioprocess = audioOutputEvent; //Connect the audio processing
event to a handling function so we can manipulate output
audioSource.connect(audioNode); //Send and chain the input to the audio
audioNode.connect(audioContextHandle.destination); //Send and chain the
output of the audio manipulation to the system audio output.

settings[14] being the sample rate 70000.
I need to do this to get it to work:
settings[14] = audioContextHandle.sampleRate;
Which effectively forces me to use the API's arbitrary sample rate instead
of one I want to use.

Received on Saturday, 12 February 2011 22:02:49 UTC