Re: Stopping synthesis cleanly


I was thinking that "notes" scheduled to play in the future would be
cancelled, and probably any notes currently playing would be issued
"note-off" commands.  I suppose this would be similar to the MIDI "all notes
off" command.  Currently, if there are any JS references to a source
AudioNode then it will not be disconnected automatically from the graph even
if it has stopped playing.  My idea there is that it might be interesting to
play the note again.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Joseph Berkovitz <>wrote:

> Chris,
> I think it's fine to just cancel everything that's scheduled -- the point
> is to stop all sound.  However the spec should answer the question, "does
> this action actually break any connections in the graph?"  In other words,
> if you invoke this function, then look at some AudioNode and see if it's
> still connected to context.destination, what is the result?
> If there is no additional state added to AudioContext, I would expect the
> connections to disappear so that the graph reflects the reality of
> everything having stopped.
> But there is another way, which is to have some kind of
> boolean attribute which can be set to false to disable all sound output.
>  This would leave the graph intact, but cause the AudioContext to simply
> ignore it.  I'm not sure if that is a good idea, however, because it raises
> questions about what would happen if you set the active flag back to true
> again.  I guess it doesn't really "take out the garbage" in the way that a
> stop-everything sort of function would do.
> ...joe
> On Oct 18, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Chris Rogers wrote:
> Joe, this is simply an omission in the current spec, but it definitely
> should be there.  Do you think it's sufficient to have a way to "cancel all"
> scheduled events on the whole context, or do we need to have finer-grained
> control over specific AudioNodes?
> Chris
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Joseph Berkovitz <>wrote:
>> I'm not sure if I missed it, but in the proposed API I couldn't find a
>> simple way to stop all output and clean out the AudioContext.  In our
>> notation playback demo, I had to manually do bookkeeping on all the nodes
>> connected to the destination and disconnect them in case the user clicked
>> "Stop".  I would imagine that for more complex apps this could become a real
>> pain point.
>> Is there a good way to do this?  If not, is this a feature that merits
>> addition to the spec?
>>      ... .  .    .       Joe
>> *Joe Berkovitz*
>> President
>> Noteflight LLC
>> 160 Sidney St, Cambridge, MA 02139
>> phone: +1 978 314 6271
> ... .  .    .       Joe
> *Joe Berkovitz*
> President
> Noteflight LLC
> 160 Sidney St, Cambridge, MA 02139
> phone: +1 978 314 6271

Received on Monday, 18 October 2010 20:10:10 UTC