
On 2010Jun 16, at 5:41 p, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> I guess that's a scope question: do we need to have hard latency guarantees so you can run a performance-quality music synthesizer in a Web browser? I don't think we do. Not in version 1 anyway.

If I could be so bold as to offer the perspective of a person who's been involved in a goodly number of previous music and audio standards efforts:

Standards efforts tend to be pretty sensitive to the process used.  I would really recommend the group first try to reach some sort of consensus about exactly the kind of high-level scope and functional goals Robert is asking about here -- and more, including reaching some consensus as to the range of target platforms -- before continuing much farther with the discussion about particular implementation technologies.  Otherwise the conversation has a strong tendency to chase its tail, and that becomes extremely difficult to resolve.  Moving goalposts, assuming one's conclusion, etc.

I appreciate that this suggestion may seem to some like an excessively bureaucratic approach, but -- for whatever it's worth -- I have seen several efforts run into trouble, and occasionally fail, as a result of prematurely focusing on specific implementation.  Once the group has a common vision of a goal it's much easier to arrive at a consensus as to the particular means.  

Hope the advice helps a little.

	-- Chris G.

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2010 03:29:56 UTC