Re: Music Synthesis

Thanks for clarifying.

	-- Chris G.

On 2010Jun 15, at 1:51 p, T.V Raman wrote:
> Right on!
> When I said SFront, I meant sfront-like functionality --- not all
> of sfront;-)
> Chris Grigg writes:
>> Hi T. V. --
>> I didn't participate in MPEG-4 SA, but if I'm informed correctly SAOL ran into some difficulty after it was adopted there, due to its potentially unbounded runtime complexity (number of voices * render complexity per voice, both essentially unlimited).  As a fallback measure, Standard MIDI File and DLS was added, since with that technology there is a knowable upper bound on the compute load.  Seems relevant to this discussion of platform capability vs. interoperability.
>> 	-- Chris G.
>> On 2010Jun 15, at 1:33 p, T.V Raman wrote:
>>> I'd love to see something like SFront on the Web in a browser,
>>> that can be driven via web technologies.
>>> Chris Grigg writes:
>>>> On 2010Jun 15, at 11:54 a, David Humphrey wrote:
>>>>>> and this would be difficult to achieve in any interpreted/scripting language, across a broad range of client device capabilities.
>>>>> Based on the experience doing our implementation, I really encourage people to build demos to prove or disprove claims about what js can and can't do.  People still tell me what I've already done is not possible, since js is too slow.  I've got the code to prove otherwise.  And we could do a lot more (I might do more to disprove some things I've read in here already).
>>>> You make a good point.  Can you point me at a JavaScript/ECMAscript implementation of a music synthesizer and sequencer, along the complexity of a Standard MIDI File player and DLS synth, that runs at high polyphony across our full range of client devices?  Just because I'm not aware of one doesn't mean it couldn't possibly exist.
>>>>> JS has an upper performance limit, there's no doubt.  I'm just not sure it's where people think it is in all cases.  It's also not static, especially if we can present quality test cases to the various JS impl folks (I've had good luck with this in a Mozilla context, for example).
>>>> Per my question on the "Target platforms?" thread, doesn't this depend on what the low end target platform is?
>>>> 	Regards,
>>>> 	    -- Chris G.
>>>>> Dave
>>> -- 
>>> Best Regards,
>>> --raman
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> -- 
> Best Regards,
> --raman
> Title:  Research Scientist                              
> Email:                                
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Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 21:38:26 UTC