- From: Alistair MacDonald <al@bocoup.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 12:03:25 -0400
- To: "public-xg-audio@w3.org" <public-xg-audio@w3.org>
I just wanted to stress that the use of Vendor Prefixes. Even though things are very experimental at this stage, it would be wise to keep this in mind going forward. We should avoid any generic name-spaces slipping into future public releases, as has unfortunately been the case before. EG: mozAudioFunctionName(), webkitAudioFunctionName() etc. Al -- Alistair MacDonald Bocoup, LLC http://bocoup.com +1-617-379-2752 +1-617-584-1420 319 A Street Boston MA 02210
Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 16:04:09 UTC