Re: Web Audio API Proposal

Hi Corban,

In the provisional specification I've been working on with Apple, an audio
element has an "audioSource" attribute.  But an audio element is not also
considered to be a destination.  The only destination is the AudioContext's
destination.  Consider if you have multiple sources (multiple audio elements
perhaps) but you want to create a mixer and apply an effect like reverb on
all three sources.  Then each source can share the reverb effect and route
the rendered audio to a single destination.

Here's your example with a few changes:

var context = new AudioContext();
var lowpass = context.createLowPass2Filter();
var audio = document.getElementById('audioElement');

function setupAudioFilter() {
  var source = audio.audioSource; // notice the audio element has this new

As soon as you start playing the audio element, it will be heard through the
lowpass filter.

But this isn't what you want for JavaScript processing, because this code
will setup a routing graph which will do native processing (for example, the
filter is run using native code).

I think what you guys are interested in right now is how to do the actual
DSP in JavaScript.  So here's what I would suggest for that.  I just made up
the API for this with the idea that there would be a JavaScriptProcessorNode
which invokes a callback function (called process() in this example).  I'm
pretty sure this will work and can be a good starting point for the API, but
we'll need to refine and perfect it.

var context;
var jsProcessor;

function init() {
    context = new AudioContext();

function setupJavascriptProcessing() {
    jsProcessor = context.createJavaScriptProcessor();
    jsProcessor.onprocess = process;

    var audio = document.getElementById('audioElement');


// This function gets called periodically to process a single buffer's worth
of audio
function process(event) {
    // For this example, let's assume inputSamples and outputSamples are
stereo interleaved, although I'd like
    // to move to an API where these are non-interleaved.  This is a detail
we can discuss later.
    var inputSamples = event.inputSamples; // a Float32Array
    var outputSamples = event.outputSamples; // a Float32Array
    var n = event.numberOfSampleFrames; // number of sample-frames (for
example 4096 left and right samples)

    // DSP magic here where you would process n sample-frames from
inputSamples -> outputSamples...

    // We might need to have a commit() method (or something) here at the
end - hopefully not though...

Let me know if this makes sense.


On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Corban Brook <> wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> Had another chance to go over your api today. I am going to be making a
> javascript layer implementation of your spec which will work on top of the
> mozilla audio data api.
> This should allow us to review and quickly prototype new features or
> changes on our working firefox implementation.
> One question Richard brought up on IRC which I could not find an answer for
> in your API is how do we add existing DOM audio elements to the graph? An
> audio element is in essence a Source and Destination node, How would I
> inject a lowpass filter into the pipeline? In the mozilla API we do this by
> muting the audio element and then reading out frames, filtering and then
> piping to a second non-DOM Audio element (Hacky, I know).
> Here is a rough setup of how this might work, could you fill in the gaps
> for me?
> var context = new AudioContext();
> var lowpass = context.createLowPass2Filter();
> var audio = document.getElementById('audioEle');
> function filterSound() {
>   var source = context.createAudioBuffer(audio); // perhaps passing in the audio element here generates 1 frame worth of buffer as it plays ?
>   source.connect(lowpass);
>   lowpass.connect(context.destination);
> }
> Re,
> Corban

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2010 19:26:10 UTC