Re: Reminder: no Backplane call tomorrow -- pls send SMIL'y thoughts :}

On 04.05.2009, at 23:27, Charles F Wiecha wrote:
> The 2nd SVG element (line graph for expenses over time) is about  
> complete
> and will be checked into a Ubiquity spike directory in a day or two so
> everybody can try it out.  I got tired of wiring in script handlers  
> so I
> also added an xf:call element to create a new action that calls JS
> functions.  It's probably not legit to put this in the xf namespace  
> and we
> can debate the pros/cons of even having it when we meet again, but  
> it's
> convenient...
> Thanks, Charlie


it is quite common to use <xf:load resource="javascript:my- 
function();"/> to trigger JavaScript functions from XForms. I don't  
know if ubiquity-xforms supports this, but it should be a no-brainer  
to add it.

Ulrich Nicolas Lissé

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2009 07:31:03 UTC