Backplane XG: Update on ODF impl for finance scenario

Dear Backplane XG -- here's a status update on the integration of ODF into
our finance scenario.  I'm attaching a print snapshot of the page so you
can see the visual output along with the source markup.   Much of the style
info is lost in printing so it looks a bit weird but you get the idea...

Note that the ODF auto-generated table of contents at the top of page 2 is
still a work-in-progress so the links aren't formatted well in terms of
level 2 vs level 1 entries in the TOC etc etc...will work more on that

Otherwise, the ODF form elements are working (they're hidden as usual in
ODF) and the ODF "draw:control" elements which then draw form fields in
running text (or spreadsheet cells) are also working as seen in the expense
report on pages 2 and 3.

The next step after this will be to re-integrate the ODF work with the
earlier SVG custom controls and then finally with SMIL to perhaps support a
help panel navigating between the expense list, graphic report, and ODF
report views...Charlie

(See attached file: finances-odt.html)(See attached file: finances-odt.pdf)

Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2009 21:19:23 UTC