minutes: Backplane XG call, 12 August 2008 [draft]


minutes from today's RWAB teleconference are available online at:


an IRC log is also available at:


any errors, mis-attributions, omissions, clarifications and the like
should be logged by replying-to this post on-list -- apologies for 
being slow-fingered and less-than-articulate today and for not minuting 
what i said about ARIA; if anyone has ARIA questions, please do not 
hesitate to ask me on-list...  we also may be able to create not only
synergy with the Protocols & Formats WG (http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF),
which is the WG developing ARIA, as we are building test suites of 
our own, and cross-fertilization and more worker bees might be of 
great assistance in developing a killer demo at the tech plenary...

thanks, gregory.
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of
focus.                                           -- Mark Twain
Gregory J. Rosmaita: gregory@linux-foundation.org
   Vice-Chair: Linux Foundation's Open Accessibility Workgroup
http://a11y.org                          http://a11y.org/specs

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:21:06 UTC