Re: MIPs and trigger

Regarding disabling the trigger for other MIPS, I don't have a strong feeling about it. In general, a trigger bound to a node will not be bound to a node that contains data and validation, I think, but of course it could.

Well, there are two controls where we bind to a node in order to use its MIPs: group and trigger (group sometimes also to set the context).

In neither of those cases are we interested in the value of the node, *only* the properties, and although we only allow relevance and readonly at present, I do have a use case (on trigger) for more properties. 

But this is also related to the issue of allowing the MIPs on controls: what should it mean if, to pluck one out of the air, you have a @constraint on a group or trigger. 

Regarding DOMActivate, I am not sure if the trigger needs to respond to that event: instead, the user agent/XForms processor dispatches DOMActivate. If the trigger is non-relevant or disabled, the user agent/XForms processor will not dispatch a DOMActivate event.
Who is listening to that DOMActivate in the default case?

I have code like this:
 <input ref="number">
     <dispatch name="DOMActivate" targetid="OK" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
 <trigger id="OK">
    <insert ref="list" origin="...whatever..." ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
that has the intention of allowing hitting [return] while inputting the number to have the same effect as clicking on the OK.

If the trigger is readonly, does that mean that it doesn't *generate* a DOMActivate, or that it doesn't *respond to* a DOMActivate (or both). What is intended by "cannot be activated"?

Best wishes,


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 6:09 AM Steven Pemberton < <> > wrote:

By the way, the spec says:

the relevant property affects visibility, focus, and navigation order as with other controls, and thus disables the trigger;
the readonly property has a similar effect as with input controls: the trigger cannot receive focus, cannot be activated, but remains visible with a presentation that indicates it is not activatable;

I'm assuming that "not activatable" for these two includes not responding to DOMActivate being dispatched to it. Do we agree?


Received on Thursday, 20 June 2024 12:37:46 UTC