Re: ACTION-2342: Spec the event communication for further discussion.

Working on this more, and I was thinking about the purpose of the element 
that was provisionally called <interface/>

Its main purpose is to share data between the parent and child, and so I 
thought about suitable names. The two possibilities I came up with were:

 <common ref="data"/>

(which actually comes from Fortran IV), or

 <share ref="data"/>


 <shared ref="data"/>

Since we tend to use verbs for controls (input, repeat), and nouns or 
adjectives for non-controls (model, instance), I think <shared/> is the 
better choice.

    <data xmlns="">



 <shared ref="before"/>


On Friday 26 May 2023 16:37:31 (+02:00), XForms Users Community Group Issue 
Tracker wrote:

 > ACTION-2342: Spec the event communication for further discussion.
 > Assigned to: Steven Pemberton

Received on Saturday, 5 August 2023 13:36:20 UTC