Inserting attributes

This should work right?

     <tests xmlns="">
        <test attr=""/>

  <instance id="template">
     <template xmlns="">
        <test pass="" res="1" req="1"/>

 <action ev:event="xforms-ready">
             <insert ref="test/@attr" 

So should this right?

             <insert ref="test/@*" origin="instance('template')/test/@*"/>

But what if test/@* is empty? What is then the correct formulation?

The spec says:

if the target-sequence is empty, the context node from the in-scope 
evaluation context is used;

but that is not what we want.

Is the correct formulation this?

             <insert context="test/@*" 

Clearly we should have some examples.


Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2021 11:30:10 UTC