Re: Feedback for " The copy Element (for itemset)"

Dear Erik, Steven, &


"a text node is created for each atomic value."

(This should probably say more, since text nodes are merged in the data

...  So I think that text nodes and atomic values should not be allowed
with the `<select>` / `<copy>` combo.

...  it makes sense to disallow the use of both `<value>` and `<copy>`
within a given selection control, in the same way that we should disallow
text nodes/atomic values returned by `<copy>`.


By such a logic of :

- Text Nodes,

- Text Networks

- Networks Architecture

- Text Networks Architecture

Are we not dealing with a matter on  "Text" and "Architecture"...?

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Kamis, 05 Maret 2020, Erik Bruchez <> menulis:

>     <select>
>>         <item>
>>             <label>Chocolate</label>
>>             <value ref="instance('chocolate')"/>
>>         </item>
>>         <item>
>>             <label>Strawberry</label>
>>             <value ref="instance('strawberry')"/>
>>         </item>
>>     </select>
>> Did you mean to use <copy/> here?
> Yes!
> So your proposal is that wherever <value/> can be used, <copy/> can be
>> used too?
> Exactly.
> For `select1`:
>> - Deselecting an item should clear the content of the bound element (for
>> attributes, if supported, see below).
>> - Selecting an item inserts all the items returned by `xf:copy` into the
>> bound element following `xf:insert`.
>> - It's ok if `xf:copy` return an empty sequence (simply nothing gets
>> inserted upon selection).
>> - Attributes nodes could be supported or not, but if so the behavior
>> should be described.
>> I think this matches what is there for select1, although I'm not sure
>> what you are proposing for attributes.
>     <select ref="selection">
>         <item>
>             <label>foo</label>
>             <copy ref="xf:attribute('foo', 'foovalue')"/>
>         </item>
>         <item>
>             <label>bar</label>
>             <copy ref="xf:attribute('bar', 'barvalue')"/>
>         </item>
>     </select>
> This would, on the `selection` element, add or remove the given attributes.
> For `select`:
>> - I don't think it makes sense for `xf:copy` to support more than one
>> item, so `xf:copy` follows the first-item rule.
>> Hmm. I hadn't thought about this before, but what about
>> <select ref="selection">
>> <item label="red" copy="choices[colour='red']"/>
>> <item label="green" copy="choices[colour='green']"/>
>> <item label="blue" copy="choices[colour='blue']"/>
>> </select>
> Yes, this could work. I had assumed some kind of ordering would be
> relevant, but if we just look at all nodes independently that's easier.
> As discussed in the call, the only thing is to consider overlap: two items
> returning identical, say, element subtrees. In this case, I suggest:
> - If two items include the same subtrees and are selected, only one copy
> of the tree is inserted.
> - If one of the two items is deselected, the subtrees remains.
> - When both items are deselected the subtrees is removed.
>> - An item for which `xf:copy` returns the empty sequence must be ignored.
>> I believe this is already so described.
>> - Deselection requires deep comparing the result of `xf:copy` with the
>> bound element's children nodes. Any tree found is deleted following
>> `xf:delete`.
>> "For complex selections, the individual subtrees associated with the
>> newly selected and deselected items are added or removed individually by
>> using insert and delete;" However, it only used the word "matches" rather
>> than "deep compare".
> That's probably fine. Our code uses the Saxon `deep-equal()` logic to do
> compare subtrees:
> saxon/deep-equal.html
>     - What happens if `xf:copy` returns an atomic value?
>> What does <insert/> do in this case?
> "a text node is created for each atomic value."
> (This should probably say more, since text nodes are merged in the data
> model.)
> As discussed during the call, this part is ok. But say you have:
>     <item>
>         <label>Foo</label>
>         <copy ref="'foo'"/>
>     </item>
>     <item>
>         <label>Bar</label>
>         <copy ref="'bar'"/>
>     </item>
> If you select both, then you would get, in the resulting node:
>     <selection>foobar</selection>
> or maybe:
>     <selection>barfoo</selection>
> So you wouldn't be able to distinguish those anymore, except with a
> possibly complicated and unreliable algorithm. So I think that text nodes
> and atomic values should not be allowed with the `<select>` / `<copy>`
> combo.
>> - Selection requires inserting the items following `xf:insert`.
>> - Attributes nodes could be supported or not, but if so the behavior
>> should be described.
>> What would you propose as being the behaviour?
> See above.
>> 3. Mix and match of `xf:copy` and `xf:value`
>> A selection control can have multiple `xf:itemset` and `xf:item`.
>> As children of <choices/> you mean?
>> <select ref="x">
>>   <choices label="a">
>>      <item label="a1" value="1"/>
>>   </choices>
>>   <choices label="b">
>>      <itemset .../>
>>   </choices>
>> </select>
> My understanding was that you can have any of those, but maybe I am
> mistaken:
>     <select ref="x">
>         <itemset>
>             ...
>         </itemset>
>         <item>
>             ...
>         </item>
>         <itemset>
>             ...
>         </itemset>
>         <item>
>             ...
>         </item>
>         <choices>
>             ...
>         </choices>
>     </select>
>> What happens if there is a mix and match of `xf:copy` and `xf:value`? We
>> could say that this is implementation-dependent or that this follows the
>> `xf:copy` logic, with an `xf:value` values behaving like an `xf:copy` that
>> returns an XPath string value.
>> Are there use cases?
> I am not sure, but I think, as discussed in the call, that it makes sense
> to disallow the use of both `<value>` and `<copy>` within a given selection
> control, in the same way that we should disallow text nodes/atomic values
> returned by `<copy>`.
> -Erik

Received on Thursday, 5 March 2020 05:05:41 UTC