HTTP server with PUT

XContents is a minimal fileserver over http. It reads and writes files  
only in the directory where is is started, and its subdirectories. If the  
requested resource ends with /, index.html is added. There is no directory  

The following methods are supported.

GET: If the specified resource exists, it is returned.
HEAD: Like GET, except only the headers are returned, with no content.
PUT: The file is created or overwritten.
POST: If the resource does not exist, it is created, with the content  
surrounded by the tags <post>...</post>. If it exists, the content is  
appended before the last closing tag, if there is one, and otherwise at  
the end. Therefore, if you don't like the tags <post>...</post> when the  
file is created, first PUT an empty file, or one containing only the open  
and closing tags, e.g. <data></data>, before you POST to it.
OPTIONS: Access control allows access from anywhere.

404: File not found for GET or HEAD
403: No access to directories (for reading or writing)
403: If file can't be opened for writing for a PUT or POST
400: Bad request, if the URI contains "/../" (Most browsers pre-process  
".." path steps, so this should never arise.)
501: Not implemented, for other methods.

Mostly not robust or secure. For demonstration and test purposes only: do  
not use for production. Based on tiny.c by Dave O'Hallaron, Carnegie  

compile: cc xcontents.c -o xcontents

usage: xcontents <port>


Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2020 13:21:56 UTC