Attributes and nonrelevant="empty" on submission

Dear Steven,
Erik, &

ArchiteXture (If we may use this name...?)

S. Pemberton & E. Bruchez (in this thred):

"Attributes & Nonrelevant: 'Empty' on Submission"

The spec says:

> non-relevant nodes are serialized as empty values

If an element is non-relevant, its attributes are also non-relevant. So the
text content of the element must be empty, and the attribute values must be
empty as well.

As a reader, I am not sure if I arrive at such a moment of relevances, I am
thinking of/imagining about:

Computationally thinking,
architecturally thinking: There are spatial/architectural conditions of
computer/computational languages (text content, nodes, emptiness, ...)

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Selasa, 14 April 2020, Erik Bruchez <> menulis:

> The spec says:
> > non-relevant nodes are serialized as empty values
> If an element is non-relevant, its attributes are also non-relevant. So
> the text content of the element must be empty, and the attribute values
> must be empty as well. So:
>     <instance>
>       <data xmlns="">
>          <one value="1">uno</one>
>          <two value=""/>
>       <data>
>   </instance>
> That appears to match what the text says, but it's also what I would like.
> -Erik
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 7:44 AM Steven Pemberton <>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Apr 2020 22:35:02 +0200, Steven Pemberton
>> <> wrote:
>> > I'm writing tests for submission, and I've come to a case that I don't
>> > know the answer to:
>> >
>> >   <instance>
>> >       <data xmlns="">
>> >          <one value="1">uno</one>
>> >          <two value="2">due</two>
>> >       <data>
>> >   </instance>
>> >   <bind ref="two" relevant="false()"/>
>> >   <submission resource="data.xml" nonrelevant="empty" method="put"/>
>> >
>> > Does the data get serialized as
>> >
>> >   <data xmlns="">
>> >      <one value="1">uno</one>
>> >      <two/>
>> >   </data>
>> >
>> > or as
>> >
>> >   <data xmlns="">
>> >      <one value="1">uno</one>
>> >      <two value="2"/>
>> >   </data>
>> or as
>>     <data xmlns="">
>>        <one value="1">uno</one>
>>        <two value=""/>
>>     </data>
>> >
>> > ?
>> >
>> > Steven

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 09:11:59 UTC