Re: ACTION-2228: Find a different example for typed values (section 6.2)

How about this:

   <model xmlns="">
       <data xmlns="">
     <bind ref="t" type="time"/>

   <group xmlns="">
     <output value="if(t[1] = t[2], 'typed', 'untyped')"/>

If the typed values are passed, then the comparison is between times, and  
00:00:00 is the same as 24:00:00

If just the strings are passed, then the two strings are unequal.


On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 15:13:59 +0100, XForms Users Community Group Issue  
Tracker <> wrote:

> ACTION-2228: Find a different example for typed values (section 6.2)
> Assigned to: Steven Pemberton

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 15:39:31 UTC