This is my response to "ACTION-2216: XForms: Erik to review 2nd part and
see if Steven's understnding is right, if there is too much text in the
> The other is section 6.2 Typed Values
> which I now realise I don't understand the purpose of entirely.
> I think the argument is
> "Types in XForms are principally used to check the validity of strings
> provided as values to nodes. However, the expression language may also
> use
> those types during the evaluation of expressions using those nodes.
> If the evaluation of an expression fails because of a type error:
> * for a calculate expression, the result is the empty sequence
> * for a constraint expression, the result is false()
> * for other bind computed expressions, the result is not applied to the
> node
> * for all other expressions, an xforms-expression-error event is
> dispatched to the element containing the expression."
> Do you think there is any other part of that section that is normative
> that I have missed?
I don' think that's quite enough. We should also tell how "the expression
language may also use those types during the evaluation of expressions
using those nodes" in case there is not a type error. Mainly, this means
that with XPath 2, the processor must expose the typed values of nodes when
nodes are atomized or accessed with the `data()` function.