Re: ACTION-2244: Remove the term deep copy

On Mon, 01 Apr 2019 20:13:00 +0200, Erik Bruchez <>  

>> Insert talks all the time about a node that is cloned. Should that be  
>> an *item* that is cloned?
> I don't think it makes sense to "clone" items since the "identity of  
> atomic values, by >contrast, is determined solely by their intrinsic  
> properties.
Well, since we don't say what 'clone' means, it could just as well apply  
to atomic values; we just say what it means.

> No two distinct integers, for example, have the same value; every  
> instance of the value “5” as >an integer is identical to every other  
> instance of the value “5” as an integer.".
> However, we do need to say what `<insert>` does with atomic values.


Perhaps we should do away with 'clone', and just say "is copied".

    "Each node in the origin-sequence is cloned in the order it appears in  
the sequence."
should read
    "Each item in the origin-sequence is copied in the order it appears in  
the sequence."

Followed by a description of what "copied" means.


> They are eventually converted to text nodes. For example:
>    <insert context="foo" origin="5"/>
> should yield:
>    <foo>5</foo>
> The following:
>    <insert context="foo" origin="1 to 5"/>
> might yield, as would `<xsl:value-of>`:
>    <foo>1 2 3 4 5</foo>
> XSLT has a whole section on how sequences are produced. See [1] and [2].  
> When combining items >in a sequence, the default separator is the single  
> space, but XSLT makes this configurable with >a `separator` attribute.
> -Erik
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2019 10:20:59 UTC