Re: @while

Maybe the clearest implication is that calculated values are not
automatically updated during the execution of `while`.

We could add a "For example, ..." after the first sentence above to clarify


On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:43 AM, Steven Pemberton <>

> "The XForms action is executed repeatedly until the converted result of
> the expression evaluates to false.[...] When XForms actions are iteratively
> executed, they are still subject to the normal action processing rules of
> updating and applicability of conditional and iterative attributes."
> _while_attribute
> "Updates of a model are done after a user or action handler has caused a
> change to an instance.
> Updates are not done while an action handler is being processed, but only
> after the termination of the outermost action handler."
> Do we need to warn more explicitly here about the sort of test that is
> therefore possible in a @while?
> Steven

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 13:40:44 UTC