Re: References to Elements within a repeat Element

No, it doesn't have the same effect, but It could probably be formulated in
a clearer way.

The general idea could be formulated as: "look for the closest element from
the source element", where "closest" means:

- as much as possible in the same branch of the repeat as the source element
- and, when that is not possible, then follow the repeat indexes

Some of this is independent of repeat indexes. Say you have:

    <xf:repeat ref="item">
        <xf:input ref="in">
        <xf:textarea ref="text" id="my-textarea"/>

The idea behind this is that if the value of the input changes, focus is
set to the `<xf:textarea>` (I realize this might not be good UI). But this
must be the text area which is closest from the `<xf:input>`, whether it is
in the repeat iteration corresponding to the current repeat index or not.
The algorithm described enables this.


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 12:44 AM, Steven Pemberton <>

> erences_to_Elements_within_a_repeat_Element
> I find this section *really* hard to understand.
> Isn't it easier to say that within a <repeat> IDREFs are activated and
> deactivated as a response to changes in the repeat index, (in a similar way
> to how event handlers are activated and deactivated in response to
> relevance)?
> Doesn't that have the same effect?
> Steven

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 19:34:51 UTC