The copy Element (for itemset)

Two points.

"When a copy node is selected, the following rules apply:
  * The target node, selected by the binding attributes on the selection  
control, must be an element node, otherwise an xforms-binding-error event)  
is dispatched."

The spec didn't say where to, so I am adding it. Should it be dispatched  
to the <copy> or the selection control do we think?

Second point.

"If the Single Item Binding attributes [of <copy>] indicate a node in a  
model other than the bound item of the containing selection control, then  
an xforms-binding-error Event is dispatched to the element."

Surely not!

In fact, just above this is an example:

 <select model="cone" ref="order" label="Flavors">
   <itemset model="flavors" ref="flavor" label="{description}"  

which translated to use <copy> would look like

 <select model="cone" ref="order" label="Flavors">
   <itemset model="flavors" ref="flavor" label="{description}">
      <copy ref="description"/>

and description is clearly in a different model to order.


Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 14:34:55 UTC