A few more comments on the introduction


1. "XForms have a section that describes the data being manipulated"

The famous "plural XForms". Suggestion:

    "A form has ..."


    "An XForms form has ..."

2. constraint=". < 10"

XPath 2.0 introduced operators that don't require escaping. Suggestion:

    constraint=". lt 10"

3. {if(total >= 0, 'positive', 'negative')}

The if() function is deprecated since XForms 1.1. We should either us
`choose()`, or the native XPath 2.0's `if (...) then ... else ...`
construct. Suggestion:

    {if (total >= 0) then 'positive' else 'negative'}


Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 06:00:52 UTC