XML London: Call for Papers

Hi list, 

there is a new international XML conference in town: XML London (http://xmllondon.com/) which will take place from the 15th to 16th of June 2013 

The call for papers started today and is open until the 15th of March (http://xmllondon.com/call-for-papers.jsp). I will be part of the reviewer panel (with the focus on XForms)  and would like to ask all of you to
	a)  submit papers showing the world that it needs XForms ;-) 
	b) spread the news that theres a new XML conf in town

Thank you very much in advance! I hope to meet some of you in Prague next week. Best regards


Lars Windauer
betterFORM Project
Co-Founder / Managing Partner
Web: 	 www.betterform.de
Office:  	 +49 30 83 22 55 50
Fax: 	 +49 30 83 22 55 04
Mobile:	 +49 170 587 13 00
Skype: 	 windauer
Twitter:     http://twitter.com/windauer 
XING:       https://www.xing.com/profile/Lars_Windauer 
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/windauer

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 14:43:06 UTC