

I thought this had been discussed in the past but I can't seem to see
it in the XForms 2 feature list [1]. Our implementation supports [2]:

<textarea mediatype="text/html">

so you can use a "rich text" editor to enter formatted text.

Note that in the case of text/html, the requirement is really to
produce an HTML *fragment*.

Do any other implementations support this as well?

I suggest we include standardizing the mediatype attribute in XForms
2.0. Implementations might not be required to support particular
mediatypes besides text/plain.

Based on the recent discussion on upload I wondered if @accept might
not be a better attribute name, but at this point I am a bit lukewarm
about the idea. Would it make sense to say that an text area accepts
both plain text or HTML text? How would the form then know which type
of content was produced?

Alternatively, we could imagine using a @type attribute, like for
scripts, and support:

<textarea type="html">

Comments welcome.


[1] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Category:XForms20
[2] http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/doc/developer-guide/xforms-controls/textarea-control#TOC-Rich-text-editor-HTML-editor-

Received on Friday, 1 February 2013 18:35:04 UTC