Re: ISSUE-245: Do not require HTTPS URI for strong TLS protection

I am very unhappy about this. I personally think it would be confusing to
users to see e.g. EV indication with an http URL. Users have no way of
knowing what the heck is going on here with upgrade, and furthermore are
likely to think they are secure when they just cut and paste in that URL
(since the upgrade will start on server response, as opposed to the client
expecting TLS/SSL from the start.)

If a site wants to use upgrade for whatever reason, fine, but if they want
the full SSL UI IMO they should instead do a

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

I am not in favor of this change to WSC-UI, and think we should reject the
proposal in [2] and instead leave the spec as it was.


Am 9. April 2010 08:22 schrieb Web Security Context Working Group Issue
Tracker < <>>:

> ISSUE-245: Do not require HTTPS URI for strong TLS protection
> Raised by: Thomas Roessler
> On product:
> In LC-2382 [1], it was noted that the definition of "strongly protected TLS
> connections" required use of an HTTPS URI. For detailed discussion, see [2].
> The WG decided during its call on 2010-03-31 [3] to accept the proposal in
> [2].
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.

Received on Friday, 9 April 2010 16:46:26 UTC