Discussing last call comments

Comments on wsc-ui last call are at:

We'll continue to discuss them in reverse chronological order. In 
particular, we'll get through these in the next meeting:


I'd like to tee up this one for the meeting after:


And this sequence for the meeting after that (the last conference call 
before our f2f):


For the f2f, my current expectation of the agenda is that we'll do an in 
depth walk through of Google Chrome and how it relates to wsc-ui (Ian is 
about halfway through our features at risk table). We will also propose 
resolutions to any outstanding Last Call comments needing them. We may 
also work through any features at risk for CR, and what our plans will be 
for them if they do not make it through the testing phase, if time 
permits. Or we may work through a test plan for CR. If you have particular 
topics that are of interest to you, please let me know. We have six 
observer requests, which I have accepted. I'll have a draft agenda out 
last next week or early the week after. 


Received on Friday, 26 September 2008 13:55:29 UTC