Re: ACTION-409: Revise "MUST include applicable DNS name" based on discussion

+1 - though Ian may or may not want to take (separate?) issue with the  
details of how a DNS name is extracted, in this case.



On 26-Mar-08, at 1:20 PM, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> Based on today's discussion, I'd suggest to change that bullet point
> into the following:
>      <item><p>If the identity signal does not include any other
>      human readable information about the identity of the
>      certificate subect (derived, e.g., from an augmented assurance
>      certificate <phrase role="sqbrackets">or a petname</phrase>),  
> then
>      it MUST include an applicable DNS name retrieved from the
>      subject's Common Name attribute or from a subjectAltName
>      extension.</p></item>
> Regards,
> -- 
> Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Johnathan Nightingale
Human Shield

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2008 18:28:16 UTC