Re: petnames and bookmarks (Was: petname implementation recommendation proposal)

On 2008-03-26 09:24:38 +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> Generalizing (maybe illegitimately) from my own usage of these
> features, I often use one-click bookmarking for stuff that's in
> the "keep that link around, somewhere" category.  Things that I
> consider important, I typically want to have in my bookmark
> toolbar, and therefore I end up in a multi-click interaction in
> that case.

> Ironically, there are some self-signed and untrusted trust roots
> involved with these important sites; I would actually consider a
> petname extensio rather useful for them.

> (Though, actually, the display of certificate-related information
> that FX3 gives me when browser.identity.ssl_domain_display is
> activated is somewhat useful even in these situations...)

I'm attaching a quick mock-up of what I think a useful and
non-intrusive petname interaction could look like, based on the FF3
user experience.  It's far from perfect at this point, but I'd think
it's a useful starting point.

Incidentally, the black on blue comes from

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2008 08:55:36 UTC