Re: consistency observation re absence of trustworthy information (Re: Discussion of 6.1 for LC June)

I had read that as something more trivial; that whenever various identity 
states where shown, EACH state was always shown consistently (not between 
states, but withn state, as it were). 

But I'm good with it either way. 

Thomas Roessler <>
Mary Ellen Zurko <>
03/08/2008 07:17 AM
consistency observation re absence of trustworthy information (Re: 
Discussion of 6.1 for LC June)

On 2008-03-07 08:58:55 -0500, Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:

> Current text is at:
> Issue 1) Requiring a "no identity" state, particularly in primary 
> The text:
> User interactions to access this identity signal MUST be consistent 
> all Web interactions facilitated by the user agent, including 
> during which the Web user agent has no trustworthy information about the
> [[identity]] of the Web site that a user interacts with. In this case,
> user agents SHOULD indicate that no information is available.

Reading this text again, carefully, I notice that the SHOULD in the
second sentence seems inconsistent with the MUST in the first one.
In other words, I can't think of a way to be conformant with the
MUST, but not the SHOULD.  I'll therefore change the SHOULD in that
second sentence to a MUST, and aim to keep it consistent across both

(If somebody can come up with a consistent example, or if we
otherwise decide to modify this part, I'll happily change this back
-- this change is about consistency only.)

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 15:17:38 UTC