Re: ACTION-457: Give overview of why logotypes are interesting in security considerations section

On 2008-06-19 19:34:45 -0700, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> Certificate Logotype Data

> Where the security of a Web interaction depends on the reliable
> interpretation of the subject identity, the usability of the
> identifier chosen to represent that identity is of great
> importance. A DNS name is an identifier created for the purpose
> of specifying network hosts and is optimized for that purpose, in
> particular ease of entry is given priority over ease of
> interpretation. Likewise, the X.500 Distinguished Names employed
> in X.509 digital certificates are a technical construct designed
> to support the needs of the network directory.
> The form of identifier that corporations in particular have
> adopted for representing their identity is the logo. A logo is an
> image that is designed to communicate the identity of the party
> that uses it. Many corporations and other enterprises invest
> enormous amounts of time, effort and money to develop and promote
> logos that are instantly recognizable. 
> The PKIX Logotype extension allows the use of image or audio data
> to represent the certificate subject, the certificate issuer and
> assertions that the subject is a member of certain specified
> communities. The image or audio data is securely incorporated
> into the certificate by a URL reference and a cryptographically
> secure message digest of the data.
> Presentation of Logotype information from a PKIX certificate may
> allow more effective representation of the subject and/or issuer
> identity and membership of community groups, provided that:
> * The logo information is presented in a manner that the user is
> likely to take notice of in the necessary circumstances
> * The logo information is presented through a secure channel that
> cannot be spoofed or emulated by an attacker.
> In addition any technique that makes a subject identity assertion
> more usable to the user is likely to increase the users
> confidence in that identity and thus their reliance. 

I'm fine with the text (and with including it), except for this:

> Subject logotype data MUST NOT be presented to the user without
> caveat unless it is contained in an Augmented Assurance
> certificate.

While I agree with the spirit of this statement, I don't like the
idea of adding conformance language after a resolution to go to last
call; I also think this is redundant with the material here:

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Friday, 20 June 2008 09:32:15 UTC